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School Program

Premodia Charity Foundation was intentionally founded to address the factors that have continued to dehumanize humanity in our time and era .


Premordia Charity Foundation

1+ Years

The reality of human suffering dwells with us much more than we can ever imagine. In our world today this sad phenomenon has become glaring than ever before in human history.

This is occasioned by failure in leadership especially in developing countries, arm conflict with it’s attendance consequences, gender inequality, hunger and the scourge of climatic change.

Premodia Charity Foundation therefore was intentionally founded to address the aforementioned factors that have continued to dehumanize humanity in our time and era .

Conscious of gender inequality that exists especially in developing countries, this foundation since it’s inception in 2018 (and later registered in 2024) have continued to support girl-child education by granting of partial and full school to girls from families at the bring of the society.

Aim & Objectives

Premodia Charity Foundation equally gets directly involved in donating food to the internally displaced persons and other vulnerable individuals within.


1 - Gender Equity

This foundation since it's inception in 2018 (and later registered in 2024) have continued to support girl-child education by granting of partial and full school to girls from families at the bring of the society.

2 - Food Aid & AgroTraining

Premodia Charity Foundation equally gets directly involved in donating food to the internally displaced persons and other vulnerable individuals within. In other to fight hunger and starvation, this foundation engages extensively in teaching peasant farmers (particularly women)new farming techniques that are result driven.

3 - Peace Building

Founded in the North central part of Nigeria where farmers -herders crises has killed thousands and displaced millions, this foundation has continued to provide succour to the internally displaced persons living in many camps scattered all over the region.

4 - Eco friendliness

As an eco friendly organization, we engage in advocacy against activities capable of further harming our fragile climate . It encourages massive planting of trees through it's agricultural out- reach programs. It equally tries to persuade ruler dwellers to desist from deforestation for energy while encouraging the usage of alternative sources of energy that are eco accomandating.

School Aid Program

This foundation since it's inception in 2018 (and later registered in 2024) have continued to support girl-child education by granting of partial and full school to girls from families at the bring of the society.

Our Sources of Funding

Premodia Charity Foundation is funded through three channels. These are:


Donations From Beneficiaries

Under this foundation, beneficiaries are helped in a way that can bring about self reliance. Consequently, many of them have turned round to become contributors of the same system that once helped in

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Farming Activities. 

The foundation has farm settlements in Kogi and Benue State. Most of the food distributed to the less previleged is gotten from these farms. These farms also serve as training centres for the

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Donations from Donor Agencies

The two founding fathers some times receive donations from Donor Agencies to boost the activities of the Foundation.

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Our Causes

The reality of human suffering dwells with us much more than we can ever imagine. In our world today this sad phenomenon has become glaring than ever before in human history. This is occasioned by failure in leadership especially in developing countries, arm conflict with it's attendance consequences, gender inequality, hunger and the scourge of climatic change. Premodia Charity Foundation therefore was intentionally founded to address the aforementioned factors that have continued to dehumanize humanity in our time and era .

Our Leaders

Our Able leaders who inspire vision, drive growth, and foster collaboration to achieve collective success.


Founder & CEO

Photo Showcase

Some of our captured moments


Become A Proud Volunteer

Becoming a Volunteer for Premordia Charity Foundation

Volunteering with Premordia Charity Foundation is a rewarding way to make a difference in the lives of those in need. As a volunteer, you will contribute your skills, time, and passion to support various initiatives, including education, healthcare, and community development.

Benefits of Volunteering

  • Personal fulfillment from giving back to the community.
  • Opportunities to develop new skills and meet like-minded individuals.
  • A chance to create a lasting impact on people’s lives.